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Change to Competition Rules

Howard Brown

The last few years have seen the club continue to maintain its place as one of the strongest clubs in the country and our reputation for excellent photography in every genre has been recognised many times. However, our nature photography is particularly strong and we have some amazing nature photographers in the club. With this in mind, we will be changing the competition rules moving forward to introduce a nature section into each competition, in line with many external competitions.

The new rules will be as follows:

League Competitions

PDI Competitions

  1. The PDI League will consist of 5 competitions per year with 2 images allowed per person per competition

  2. Each main competition will be split into two minor competitions:

  • An Open Competition

  • A Nature Competition.

  1. Nature images can not be entered into the Open competition.

  2. No more than 2 images can be entered across both categories i.e. 2 images in the Open Competition or 2 images in the Nature Competition or 1 in each competition.

  3. A, B and C sections will continue as normal.

  4. The results from both competitions will be compiled into a single PDI League table.

Print Competitions

  1. The Print League will consist of 4 competitions per year with 3 images allowed per person per competition.

  2. Each main competition will be split into two minor competitions:

  • An Open Competition.

  • A Nature Competition.

  1. Nature Images can not be entered into the Open Competition.

  2. No more than 3 images can be entered across both categories i.e. 3/0, 2/1, 1/2, 0/3.

  3. The A, B and C sections will continue as normal

  4. The results from both competitions will be compiled into a single Print League Table

For both competitions the CPS Nature definition will follow the new PAGB Nature rules and take a more relaxed attitude to images, particularly to the presence of human artefacts and to cloning out distracting elements which do "not change the truth of the photographic statement''

These rules will take effect from the beginning of the 2018-2019 season

Annual Competitions

In order to make our Annual Competition similar to an external Federation, National or International competition and to give our members experience of the same the rules have been changed as follows:

  1. The current single Open category of 10 images with a minimum of 3 mono images has been abandoned.

  2. This has been replaced by 3 categories which will be judged separately. These are:

  • Open Colour

  • Open Mono

  • Nature.

  1. No Nature Image will be allowed in either the Open Colour or Open Mono categories

  2. A maximum of 5 images will be allowed in each category.

  3. The current three sections A, B and C will continue as normal within each category.

  4. Marking will continue using 3 judges who will judge on the buttons awarding from 2 to 5 marks each giving a possible score of between 6 and 15 for each image.

  5. CPS Nature definition will follow the new PAGB Nature rules and take a more relaxed attitude to images, particularly to the presence of human artefacts and to cloning out distracting elements which do "not change the truth of the photographic statement''

These rules take immediate effect and cover the current 2017-2018 competitions.

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St Mary’s Parish Social Club, Devonshire Rd, Chorley PR7 2BY

© Copyright Chorley Photographic Society©
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